INTRODUCING NutriBlocks™ Guidance

A New Direction in Nutritional Guidance

 In the 2012 HBO documentary The Weight of the Nation, Dr. Tom Frieden, then Director of the CDC, famously stated,

“If you go with the flow in America today, you will end up overweight or obese , as 2/3rds of Americans are.” 

Back in 2012, approximately 18% of our children and adolescents had obesity. Today, this rate has climbed to over 22% .

A decade later, Dr. Frieden’s words echo the reality of 2022: We can no longer go with the flow. Parents and caregivers need specific guidance and tools to help them raise healthy, self-moderated, and confident eaters well into adulthood. Unfortunately, as the past 40+ years have proven, vague dietary guidelines, pyramids, and even a revised “plate” are not working.  To affect meaningful change in the health of kids today and in generations to come, we need a paradigm shift in how pediatric & adolescent nutritional guidance is dispensed.
The obvious agents of change are those on the front lines of this epidemic: Our Pediatric Clinicians.

What parents and caregivers need is customized guidance on what, when, why, and how much to feed their children daily to meet their nutritional needs and manage a healthy weight. Pediatricians are overwhelmed and lack a standardized approach to dispensing this guidance.
Until now.

 Customized, practical, and realistic guidance? Yes, please!

INTRODUCING NutriBlocks™ Guidance
by Nutrition Nanny®

The building blocks of healthy futures are delivered daily through balanced nutrition.

But balanced nutrition is not a one-size-fits-all. Factors such as age, weight, height, and gender help determine a child’s and adolescent’s individual daily needs. At Nutrition Nanny®, our proprietary algorithm determines what those nutritional needs are, and then converts them into proportioned daily NutriBlocksto easily build a healthy daily diet from.

Say Goodbye 
to vague and ambiguous guidelines!

One-size-fits-all guidelines do not consider the daily caloric needs of the individual child or adolescent, nor honor the balance between “fuel” nutrients (carbohydrates and fats) and “building” nutrients (proteins). This makes it very challenging to manage a child’s weight.

Say Hello 
to individualized & science-led Guidance!

Pediatricians curious to learn more about implementing NutriBlocks in your practice?

Drop us a line!