Universal School Meals becomes law

Universal School Meals becomes law

From VermontBiz, Weds. June 1, 2022: Vermont Students to Receive No-Cost Breakfast and Lunch for 2022-23 https://vermontbiz.com/news/2022/june/01/universal-school-meals-becomes-law School-Age These are incredibly formative years in your child’s healthy habit learning...
Toddler & Preschool

Toddler & Preschool

Just when you think you’ve got this feeding-thing down pact, toddlerhood rears its picky little head! From their first birthday up until their first day of school, the combined toddler and pre-school years are the most foundational in a child’s healthy habit learning...


These are incredibly formative years in your child’s healthy habit learning journey! Marked by continues growth and independence, your school-age child is now tasked with more responsibility and decision-making – and that includes many of their daily food choices!...


“They are what you eat!” Did you know that your food choices and eating habits throughout pregnancy shapes your baby’s future food preferences and eating behaviors, and even influences the programming of their metabolism? Unfortunately, making the best food choices is...
Formula Feeding/Bottle Feeding

Formula Feeding/Bottle Feeding

Formula is the best possible alternative to breast milk and provides the right amount of all the required nutrients in a measured form! Other benefits to formula feeding includes convenience, variety of options to meet a baby’s unique needs, and more feeding...
Newborn & Infancy

Newborn & Infancy

Early Infancy (0-5 months)No solid foods under 6 months of age; Breast Milk or Formula feeding only During these precious early months of your baby’s life, it may feel as though it’s about feeding, sleeping, pooping, and crying (and yes, there’s definitely a lot of...
Motivation: Primary Prevention IS Primary Care!

Motivation: Primary Prevention IS Primary Care!

When it comes to primary prevention, we are COMPLETELY missing the mark!Before, during and immediately after pregnancy, we have an extraordinary opportunity to impact our children’s long-term health through our very own diet! That’s right, the saying,...
Motivation: Mindlessness

Motivation: Mindlessness

We are all guilty of it: phones, laptops, 24/7 network news – there is always something that is taking our attention away from the present moment. And this generation is the most affected – ever! Starting as young as toddlers, children today are simultaneously...
Motivation: What’s Behind Our Choices?

Motivation: What’s Behind Our Choices?

There is a Lack of Education about why we eat: Most kids can confidently point out the healthier choice when presented with an apple and a blue-frosted cupcake, but when it comes to them actually choosing between the two – it’s fair to say that most would...